Consider Formatted Tooltips


The VIZYUL™ Consider Formatted Tooltips best practice rule fires when a dashboard has no formatted tooltips.


Consider this, formatted tooltips can play a very important role of designing a compelling, engagement and informative dashboard.  Here are just a few ways formatted tooltips can be used to improve your dashboards.

  • Conditional formatted messages/indicators i.e. green text for above threshold and red for below threshold
  • Enrich dashboards by including relevant and contextual data in formatted tooltips
  • Notes on the data used on the worksheet
  • Stating sources of data
  • A means of inviting viewers to interact with the dashboard
  • A great way to grab the attention of the viewer

Consider the following comparison.  Which one is more likely to grab your attention?

Formatted Tooltips


  • Consider using formatted tooltips to grab the attention of users or to invite interaction.
  • Consider the additional resources below

Additional Resources

  • Video – Conditionally Formatting Tooltips –